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About Us


Within the policy sphere, there was always a gap that the common public could not always comprehend the language and complex content. The accessibility of the target group of each policy or scheme was at stake because of it. It was this realization that helped the formation of PolicyFore.

Fueled by this collective vision, the team at PolicyFore embarked on a journey to bridge this gap and transform the landscape of policy understanding. We envisioned a platform that would empower individuals, practitioners, and  businesses, to understand government laws and policies better and make informed decisions. Our aspiration is to democratize policy knowledge and make it accessible to all, regardless of their background or expertise. This endeavor became a shared mission that united the entire team, infusing every aspect of PolicyFore’s work with purpose and determination.

And so, was born

Through meticulous research, data analysis, and a commitment to objectivity, PolicyFore has evolved into a trusted source of comprehensive policy insights. It is not merely a repository of policies; it is a dynamic platform that enriches participation in public policy, through making them understandable and actionable.

The Three Pillars

PolicyFore specializes in three key domains


The team is meticulously looking into governance and policy space finding best practices and offering actionable insights. It provides a reliable compass to stakeholders to navigate the vast sea of policies, aligning strategies and adopting effective measures with confidence.


Within the collection of PolicyFore are the documents of each of the government policies, schemes, and programs of each ministry and department. Dive effortlessly into our collection and find everything in one place. It is the perfect place for Researchers, professionals, and enthusiasts to explore, compare, and learn from an expansive collection.


PolicyFore stands vigilant, monitoring and assessing India’s journey towards policy implementation excellence. As India aligns itself with global standards, PolicyFore’s tracking mechanism keeps all stakeholders informed and engaged.

A Team United by Vision

The  team’s dedication is the spark that ignites PolicyFore’s growth and impact. PolicyFore comprises a dynamic team of policy experts, data analysts, and innovators, all united by the shared mission of transforming policy understanding and driving positive change. This vision permeates every aspect of PolicyFore’s work, infusing it with purpose and direction.

Ethics Policy

At policyfore, we are committed to conducting our business with integrity, honesty, and respect. We believe that ethical behavior is not only the right thing to do, but also the best way to achieve our mission of providing reliable and precise services to our clients.

Our ethics policy applies to all our team, leaders, contractors, and partners. It outlines the principles and standards that guide our decisions and actions in various situations. It also provides resources and procedures for reporting and resolving any ethical issues or concerns.


At PolicyFore, we value accuracy and transparency in our information and services. We strive to provide our customers with the most reliable and up-to-date information. However, we acknowledge that errors and mistakes may sometimes occur, despite our best efforts to prevent them. We take errors seriously and correct them promptly and prominently.

When we become aware of an error or mistake in our website, social media, or other platforms, we will verify the correct information and update the affected content as soon as possible.


At PolicyFore, we offer subscription plans to our individuals and organizations as part of our value proposition. PolicyFore’s subscription-based businesses enable us to provide our customers with access to the latest and most reliable public policy data, policy repository, tracking governance on international indices, and other services that help them make informed decisions and advocate for their interests.
You can find more information about our subscription below.

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