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Anarchy, State and Utopia by Robert Nozick

By October 15th, 2023No Comments


‘Anarchy, State, and Utopia’ by Robert Nozick is a book that argues for a minimal state, one that only exists to protect individual rights and enforce contracts. Nozick begins by rejecting the idea that the state is necessary for social order, arguing that people can cooperate and resolve disputes without the need for government coercion.

Nozick then develops his own theory of distributive justice, which he calls the entitlement theory. The entitlement theory holds that people are entitled to the fruits of their own labor and to the property that they acquire through voluntary exchange. Nozick argues that redistribution of wealth is only justified if it is necessary to rectify an injustice, such as theft or fraud.

Nozick then uses his entitlement theory to defend the minimal state. He argues that the state is justified in using force to protect people from violence, theft, and fraud. He also argues that the state is justified in enforcing contracts and protecting private property. However, Nozick argues that the state should not engage in any other activities, such as providing welfare or regulating the economy.

Nozick’s book has been highly influential in libertarian thought. It has been praised for its clarity, rigor, and originality. However, it has also been criticized for its unrealistic assumptions and its defense of inequality.