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Growth Economics by Amartya Sen

By October 15th, 2023No Comments


In his book Growth Economics, Amartya Sen challenges the traditional focus of growth economics on GDP growth as the sole measure of development. He argues that GDP growth is important, but it is not enough to improve people’s lives. Sen proposes a broader approach to development that focuses on the expansion of human capabilities and freedoms.

Sen argues that people’s capabilities and freedoms are determined by a number of factors, including their access to education, healthcare, and other basic goods and services. He also argues that people’s capabilities and freedoms can be enhanced through public policies that promote equality, social justice, and environmental sustainability.

Sen provides a number of examples to illustrate his point. He shows that countries with high GDP growth rates can still have high levels of poverty and inequality. He also shows that countries with low GDP growth rates can still make significant progress in improving people’s lives by investing in education, healthcare, and other social programs.

Sen’s book provides a valuable critique of traditional growth economics and offers a more inclusive and equitable approach to development. It is essential reading for anyone who is interested in understanding the relationship between economic growth and human development.