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Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do? by Michael Sandel

By October 15th, 2023No Comments


“Justice” by Michael Sandel is a comprehensive exploration of the concept of justice, drawing on the works of various political philosophers throughout history. The book is based on a popular course that Sandel teaches at Harvard, where he exposes students to philosophical writings about justice and contemporary legal and political controversies.

Sandel presents several approaches to justice, including theories based on maximizing welfare, respecting freedom, and promoting virtue. He provides a detailed analysis of each theory, discussing their strengths and weaknesses. The book includes discussions on utilitarianism, libertarianism, and theories of justice proposed by philosophers like Kant and Rawls.

Throughout the book, Sandel applies these theories to contemporary issues, offering his own critiques and insights. He encourages readers to question individual beliefs and social conventions, providing numerous examples from everyday life to illustrate how views of justice can be interpreted differently.

In essence, “Justice” is a thought-provoking examination of the various philosophical perspectives on justice and their relevance to modern society. It offers readers a deeper understanding of justice and its role in shaping our moral and political landscape.