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Presidential Discretion by Debtoru Chatterjee

By October 15th, 2023No Comments


“Presidential Discretion” by Debtoru Chatterjee is an insightful examination of the discretionary powers of the President of India. The book delves into the complexities of executive power, drawing examples from India, the Commonwealth countries, and Great Britain.

Chatterjee, a senior civil servant, presents a comprehensive analysis of how Indian presidents and British sovereigns have navigated diverse political situations. The book is divided into several sections, each focusing on a different aspect of presidential discretion, such as the choice of a prime minister, acceptance of advice, dismissal of a government, dissolution of parliament, and the role of the president as a mediator.

The author employs an analytical, comparative, and historical approach to explore these topics. He provides a nuanced understanding of the balance between constitutional mandates and the extraordinary circumstances under which a president can exercise discretion.

Overall, “Presidential Discretion” is an enlightening read for anyone interested in constitutional law and executive power. It offers valuable lessons from the past and serves as a guide for future scenarios where presidential discretion may come into play.