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Wealth and Illfare: An Expedition into Real Life Economics by C.T. Kurien

By October 15th, 2023No Comments

Wealth and Illfare is a book that challenges the conventional wisdom of mainstream economics and exposes the flaws and contradictions of a system that produces both wealth and illfare. The author, C.T. Kurien, is a distinguished economist and social thinker who has written extensively on various aspects of the Indian economy and society.

The book is divided into four parts, each consisting of several chapters that explore different dimensions of economic activity and its impact on human well-being. The book uses simple language and thought experiments to illustrate the basic concepts and principles of economics, such as production, exchange, distribution, consumption, money, markets, prices, profits, and so on. The book also examines the historical evolution of economic systems and the role of institutions, policies, and ideologies in shaping them.

The book reveals how the dominant economic system, based on the pursuit of profit and growth, has led to the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few, while creating poverty, inequality, environmental degradation, and social unrest for the many. The book calls for a radical transformation of the economic system and a reorientation of economic thinking towards human values and social justice.