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Free Access to online repository of all public policy and governance-related data!

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About Us

We are committed to providing an online repository of all public policy and governance-related data free of charge to our users. Whether you are a public policy practitioner, an aspiring scholar, or simply curious about public policy and governance, our platform offers a wealth of valuable information, resources, and services to meet your needs.

Our goal is to make public policy and governance data more accessible and user-friendly. We believe that everyone should have access to the information they need to make informed decisions about public policy. That is why we have made our platform free to use and we have made it easy to search and browse our data.

We offer a wide variety of data on public policy and governance, including:

  • Legislative information: We have comprehensive information on legislative matters, presented through briefs and explainers.
  • Government Trends: We compile and present trends on a wide range of indicators pertaining to public service delivery and socio-economic indices.
  • News and analysis: We provide news and analysis on current public policy issues.

We are constantly adding new data to our platform. We also offer a variety of tools and resources to help you use our data

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We're Hiring!

If you're interested in one of our open positions, start by applying here and attaching your resume.

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Collaborate with us

We invite organizations and individuals working in the space of public policy and governance to collaborate with us.

By working together, we can share our insights, perspectives, and solutions with a wider audience. We can also build a network of like-minded partners who are passionate about making a positive impact on society.

If you are interested in collaborating with us, please get in touch with us. We would be happy to discuss how we can work together to achieve our shared goals.

Together, we can make a difference.